Thursday, September 23, 2010

Microbiology week1

So This is my first week. Two classes so far. First class on Monday went great our professor seems really nice and the class was very relaxed. Introductions, Niceties, and just a brief description of Microbiology. Went over words like Bacteria, viruses and molds. Easy right? Haha Yeah right.... I started reading the first two chapters as was assigned. I was like Whoa...more words that I haven't seen in years. My head is spinning what did I just do? I mean Its like oh yeah once a read it three times. I haven't even got all the way through chapter 1 and I am doubting my self. I don't have much time to get though this chapter and move on to the next because our first quiz is on Monday. Yikes. Ok No T.V for me study time!