Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tick Tock Tick Tock

One night in October of 2000 I received a phone call from my brother that my father has passed away. I called him a lier and hung up. He called back talked to my husband and my nightmare became reality. What was most unreal was that he wasn't sick or even had some kinda terminal disease. It was totally unexpected. I had just seem him hours earlier and he was laughing. Sitting in his back yard playing with his grandson Anthony and our dog King. Since we were visiting and I was pregnant my mom had cooked up a storm so I was helping her in the kitchen. Sean William was watching some game in the basement on the big screen. He married my mom in the fall of 1989. He was there for every moment of life since the day they were married and  I became his daughter. Sure they fought what parents don't???
And boy was my Dad a character!! His laugh was more like a throaty smile you know the kind a sound you make when you are holding it in but that was him. He made no fan fair but boy you knew he was there! He could still dance a sasy tune and sip his Crown Royal. He didn't mince words. You never had to guess what what was on my Dad's mind. He would feed you, clothe you or give you a place to sleep if you need it. He could somehow tell you off  in a way you didn't know you were being yelled at.Oh and before I was married when it was just me and Anthony my Dad would just kidnap my son!!! The first time I was completely scared shitless.  I woke up no Anthony in his toddler bed. Walked into the Kitchen No Mom No Dad. I ran down stairs my brother was sound asleep but no Anthony. Woke him up and  we looked everywhere. Did he walk out the house??? This was before everyone had a cell phone so I couldn't call them. I had no freakin clue where they were or if Anthony was with them. My heart was in my throat and all the what if's came to mind....What if he got out and was kidnapped? What if he was walking along got turned around and is lost???Anthony was barely 3yrs old. Rudy kept assuring me he was with Mom and Dad but I didn't that know for sure.
 Then they came home bellies full. My Dad had taken them for Pancakes. Freaking Pancakes!!!!! Could they not have left a darn note? or take me with I might have wanted pancakes too! shish!
From then on they would come in and shake me awake to let me know they were taking him( I was  it became a Sunday regular event since Anthony wanted his pancakes he got his pancakes!!!!!!
I may desperately miss my Dad but the one thing I am most grateful for is that when he went it was quiet and peaceful. He laid down in his bed next to his wife and just went to sleep.

Sean's Grandmother has not left us yet. She is hanging on. For what I don't know but she is a coma and hanging on. We went through this with his grandfather. He too hung on and suffered before passing on. I wonder what is keeping her here prolonging her suffering. People ( no names now )are being silly do you medicate her and make sure she is out of  pain or lower the meds and pray she may wake out of this.As for me. Drug the woman keep her out of any possible pain. I mean what if she were to wake up and tell us what that she is in excruciating pain and give her some darn DRUGS! Her cancer is terminal. She will not get better.When she was coherent she was screaming in pain and asking for higher and  higher levels of Drugs but at the same time making plans for when she would get better.
 Is it selfish to ask for the lord to deliver her quickly when maybe she just isn't ready to let go? I don't know.
Life I feel is like a clock. A weird freaking clock.. Sometimes its like its in slow motion. I remember being a teen an so impatient to be older. Feeling like time was dragging. Doing a Dance when my ID was a over 21 one. Then the sucker just speed the hell up and everything breezes by. I blink and its years later and my kids are huge! I'm slowing down.  I can't drink like I could before. Fat is sticking to my ass like never before and I got freaking gray hairs. GRAY HAIRS!!!!
I have to tell you that the Hospice staff is amazing. They are compassionate and attentive.
I'm not the Holy Holy type but I do ask our lord to deliver Wanda quickly and peacefully let her pain end. As she suffers so does my Mother-in-law and my husband. What hurts them hurts me and it is difficult to watch a once vibrant woman become simply a shell of her former self.
Tomorrow I have to pick up a book at Malcolm X it was out of stock. Sean will get his results of his placement test. I hope he did well so that he can start a class or two in Mini- session that will start September 20th. I just thought I'd share a few things that were jumbling around in my brains......

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Seriously long long freaking Day

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote is at the top of my mind tonight. Many things are happening right now. I started this blog to First  write down this journey to remind myself constantly of why I am doing this. The other being that I need to just plain keep things straight in my head. This morning we received the worst news my husbands grandmother has slipped into a coma. We of course went to visit and I have to tell you it is very difficult to see grandma WOW (WANDA O'CONNOR WOODS) so helpless. She is in hospice and being very well cared for but it weird not hearing her tell my husband to shut the hell up! lol. They have this banter relationship and anytime we would visit her he walk in the room and scream WANDA! She would kiss him and tell him off at the same time. lol. He is taking this very very hard. I know first hand that there are no words to comfort him. When I lost my Dad no one could say anything that helped no matter matter how thoughtful the words. They don't help.   

We spent the morning at Malcolm X. I had an orientation for new students. I talked Sean into enrolling in school himself and taking a few classes.YAY!! So he was there to take a placement exam. I knew he was nervous because he hasn't been in school in like 20+yrs. this morning before we were even out of bed and was when we heard. I wonder if he was even able to concentrate during the testing. After we drove straight there. 

Something is bothering me and for such a long time I took it as an insult. On more than one occasion our marriage has been compared to that of his grandparents Tom and Wanda. Tonight as Sean was trying to present his usual self.He went a little overboard with his banter that is usually only silly  well tonight it was down right insulting and all directed at me. His aunt once again made the comment that our marriage was like here parents. I wonder why do they see me like her? I know  our marriage is not perfect and Sean's back injury will keep him from ever holding a manual labor job again. To be honest Sean was never good at keeping jobs anyway. So I would work and he would take care of the home. Why is this not enough? He gets heavy heavy guilt trips from his parents. You know the whole he should be the man of the house crap. He gets down on himself. He gets stupid. He goes to jail. I get screwed. Is that what they are talking about being with a man that is or was I hope a mission of self-destruction? Is it that like her I know what I can freaking afford and live where I can happily. Shit I have awesome neighbors and the Dudes a the pizza place by me are the best best. On more than one occasion they have let me pay them later.

I don't understand while don't get me wrong Wanda is a awesome lady. She worked hard but never really left here comfort zone. Neither has a good hand full of her Children or Grandchildren. Sean William has been to Florida but they drove. The first time my husband got on a airplane he was 25yrs old and was going to mexico(first time he left the country). My husband hated going downtown with out me when we first got married. Everything looked alike to him and he would get turned around fast. Thankfully Now he knows it even better than I do. I know his parents know downtown. Why didn't Sean?
My kids are more well rounded more traveled than any other kids I know. All done with very little money by the way!With maybe the exception of my sisters and brother kids but they have more money than I do so they can afford to leave the country more than I can. But then My parents couldn't stay still. Like them I hate hate being home!I get my kids in the van take them to the beach, Indiana, Wisconsin etc etc .. I wish I could take them to Mexico. Ant's been there but the little ones haven't. Not yet anyway. ROAD TRIP and soon I hope!
Today a cousin told us that she will be a chaperon to 25 college students. To show them around Chicago. My husband was like cool yeah you get paid to show out of towner's the ropes. She then told us that only a few of them are from out of town. Most are from the suburbs and have never taken a subway.I was like say what? My kids especially my oldest who is only 14 can not only get around Chicago but the suburbs too. He has take the metra, pace, cta and knows all the expressways by heart. His dads(Jim and Sean) have been getting him ready to drive for awhile not only teaching him how to drive but by teaching him how to navigate the world. My little kids have been taught all their streets and can guide you home pretty much from anywhere in our neighborhood. Serena and Ant can guide you home from anywhere in Chicago. How do you not prepare your kids? Aghhhhhhhh....sigh...

Grandma WOW I will miss you! Compare me to you is no longer a insult. You have lived, loved, laughed, suffered, got a divorce after like 30yrs, gone with me to the boat and Won! The last time I saw you before today about two weeks ago you had enough gusto to banter with Sean. So the next time Someone says that we remind them of Tom and Wanda O'Connor. I will use your words and tell then to "SHUT THE HELL UP!"
Still I wonder though what were her dreams? What stopped her from ever leaving her comport Zone?
I am scared about starting school again. Scared I a may fail. Scared I may succeed. Scared of the changes in myself that will occur on this road I'm on. For years I have told my kids that they can do anything. So now I will take my own advice. This is what I want and even if I fail I will not go down with out a fight. I can do this! 

Life has got to be lived -- that's all there is to it.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The 411 on me

I graduated from Curie HS in 1994 went to Morton College for a year found that I was floundering and pregnant. After I had Anthony in May of 1996.Reality hit so I transfered to Robert Morris got my but in gear and Graduated from RMC in 1998. Took a few more classes here and there for Nursing but work and Anthony got to be too much so I never finished. Got married in 2000 and School was totally forgotten for a few months later I was pregnant again
Sean William and Serena
 Serena was born April of 2001, Sean followed in May of 2002, and last Connor in May of 2003. Yes I know something about August or the water at my mother-in-laws lol.

Sean Micheal 

 My husband Sean William and I have been through some rough times a fire in 2005 cost us everything. Only Serena's baby album survived. I got some others of Anthony from my mom but not many were taken of Sean and Connor by others so I only have one pic of each of them as babies. We have had many tests of faith and our Marriage has had its moments. Still we are all very devoted to each other and Sean being there when I registered waiting with me in lines all day was exactly what I needed I may have chickened out if he wasn't there to just well be there.
 Most of my Days are pretty cool I only work a few hours Sun thu Fri from home at my computer. Saturdays are long I have to be in the office all darn day but the flexibly I have to work from my Laptop at the park if I need to is so worth it.

Connor Aiden

 I thought about going back to school every few years and first the kids were just too little. Then when they hit school their were to many commitments. After school programs and practices etc etc. But I kinda figured that if I don't stop and put myself first a little bit not only will I never achieve my dream of being a Nurse but with this economy I would be stuck in this go nowhere job. Hell sometimes as I sit at this computer I feel my ass
Today we decided that we have to get the kids back on a regular schedule. We have been slacking with bedtimes because well its Summer. School however is starting on September 7th so Beginning Monday  School years bedtimes are back. I told my boss today that I was starting school September 20 He looked at me and said  "your gonna work for me, take care of 4 kids, cook, clean, shop, go to school and try and study. Not to mention fit in some loving for your husband Your Nuts!!!" He then added that he admired me for going for it. That felt kinda awesome. Gene(my boss) is not one to show emotion at all so it was kinda awkward but still felt really good. Actually everyone has been awesome congratulating me for going back to school. While I'm still a little scared I really feel sooooo much better and more positive than ever about this. I'm gonna be a Nurse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Well once I finish school...hehe

Friday, August 20, 2010

Omg I just signed up for school!

After catching the blogging bug from a friend(thanks Meena's Momma) I decided to start a blog of my own. Honestly I just need to put things down so that things don't get to mixed up. I am stating school again after 10 yrs  wow just thinking about it makes my head spin. My kids are about to start school as well so now I am shopping for school supplies for 5 students. One High Schooler, Three in Elementary School and one College Student.
Today was weird I felt like a newbie going to each station to register, financial aid, class schedule, ID, and bookstore.When I was done I was starving and exhausted. I felt old which made me feel scared. My husband came with me and even he looked at me with questions in his eyes. He did his best to reassure me that I can do this. Still I sit here tonight wondering if I have the hutzpa to do this. I think the hardest part will be adjusting the family to me not being there 24/7 I mean I have always worked but now that I work from home I am there for everything. Mommy goes to softball games, cub scouts etc etc..and even though Daddy goes too Dad has never gone totally alone. Can I let go? I may not be perfect but I have to know everything and man I hate missing these things but I really really want this to this self proclaimed nosy body and control freak has to learn to let Dad figure things out so again I say Yikes!!